painting is a form of human to human communication
Visual noise is defined as, any random visual stimulus. We experience visual noise whenever we are confronted with physical clutter. An example of visual noise in our environment is a cluttered tabletop. As we look upon the clutter of objects collected on the tabletop, our brains receive a continuous stream of electrical impulses generated by our eyes. After a short while, we start to feel fatigued from the sensory overload. Visual noise is the unwanted and unintended visual stimulation that interferes with our ability to fully experience an image.
In the world of physical objects, flow is defined as the movement of a stream. In this post, flow is used in the context of psychology, which defines it as a state of mind. Flow is achieved by becoming fully immersed in an activity. We experience a transformation in our sense of time when we are fully involved and enjoying the process of an activity. We also experience a feeling of energized focus. Challenges that stretch our skills are what lead us into a flow state of mind.
A binary opposition is formed when two opposite terms are defined and placed together in a system. Binary oppositions provide us with the opportunity to study how the two opposing terms interact and function with each other. The value and meaning of the opposing concepts is created not through contradiction but by complementing each other.
The definitions of noise and flow oppose one another. Placing them together, as we did in the title of this collection of images, forms a binary opposition. The colors that make up the palette and the variety of line qualities that unite to form the shapes, which create the images, are themselves comprised of polar opposites. Together they reinforce the binary opposition established in the title. It is this opposition that creates the meaning and value of the collection of images.
The combination of noise and flow places a feeling of apprehension in the viewer of this collection of images. The anxiety created by visual noise is resolved by achieving a transformation in our state of mind whereby the noise leads us to flow. We transform chaos into order.