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One state, two states
Red State, Blue States

Acrylic Paintings on Canvas 2022-25

neither conservatism nor liberalism in politics is always a systematic philosophical position.” (Ray Browne, 1962)

‘One State, Two States Red State, Blue States’ Painted Portraits of the U.S. based on political and territorial maps.

 The maps are rotated to present the image of the U.S. in portrait rather than its typical landscape mode of presentation. The audience sees the image of the U.S. differently. Initially, some persons don’t realize that they are looking at an image of the U.S. and are intrigued by the changes in the images of the U.S.. 

The project involves three installations comprised of a total of eight acrylic paintings; The installations require that the section of the gallery wall serving as the background for each installation be painted a custom blue/gray color. 

 The large installation consists of, six (6), 20 x 16” acrylic paintings of the years 1850, 1860, 1928, 1932, 1960 and 2024, picture molding, picture hooks, chain, shackles, anchors, laminated paper text blocks (including text reference to Kara Walker's 'Fortuna and the Immortality Garden'), and paper text blocks mounted on cardboard. The large installation's overall measurements are 4 x 7’. 


The medium installation consists of, one (1), 30 x 24” acrylic painting of the year 2016, picture molding, picture hook, chain, shackle, anchor, wood shelf, small marble globe and large clear glass globe. The installation measures 44 x 33.5” overall. 

The small installation consists of, one (1), 20 x 16” acrylic painting of the year 2016, picture molding, picture hook, chain, shackle, anchor, book shelf, New York State 1788 'Gateway to Freedom' commemorative compass reproduction, the Pocket Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution published in 2004 by the Cato Institute and The Burke-Paine Controversy, Ray B. Browne, Purdue University, published 1963 by Harcourt, Brace & World Inc.. The installation measures 36 x 26.5”overall. 

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TMF Enterprises

3161 B 23 St.
San Francisco, CA 94110

Tel: 415-573-8204

Located in the U.S.A

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