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About Us

simplyMüzing is the pseudonym/brand created by Thomas Ferraiuolo, a visual artist born in NYC and living in S.F..

simplyMüzing excites and engages the imagination of its community members by creating compelling images, which connects them with their own creativity. 
Our imagination is a tool that we use to see our world in ways that it is not. Through imaginative play, we learn how to eat mud pies while sipping invisible teas.

At the age of four, Thomas accompanied his sister to a Saturday morning drawing session at the Art Student’s League, where he was introduced to charcoal and chalk pastels. Using these tools, he began creating images and never stopped. Fifty-nine years later, Thomas still uses the same media, along with other traditional analog and also digital media to create compelling images. He started oil painting at age 10, which solidified his personal commitment to a career in the visual arts. Thomas reinforces his professional commitment to his chosen career with a B.F.A. in Inter-media from SUNY Puchase College and a M.S. in Arts Administration from Drexel University. ..

 the pseudonym  

Artists have a history of using pseudonyms for a variety of reasons. Pseudonyms are used for the purposes of concealing  an identity and as a form of self-branding.

simplyMüzing is both a pseudonym and a brand. As a brand, simplyMüzing represents the culture and lifestyle of an urban visual artist living in San Francisco.

It also serves to direct the attention of the creative activities outward. simplyMüzing’s creative vision is focused on actively engaging its community through the visual arts enterprise and not on passively serving an audience as a singular, aloof ‘outsider’.


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TMF Enterprises

3161 B 23 St.
San Francisco, CA 94110

Tel: 415-573-8204

Located in the U.S.A

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